Con Recap: TBCC 2024

Tampa Bay Comic Convention, August 23rd through 25th 2024.

Tampa Bay Comic Convention 2024 was a blast! It went incredibly well. Such a huge crowd and wonderful fans and many, many awesome cosplayers. As usual, I want to showcase the best cosplayers from the weekend as well as some fun images I took during the event. At future events, I will be sure to take more photos with readers who purchased books. Something to work on for me.

I was on two panels over the weekend. Both about surviving the writing world. Both were packed rooms! It was fantastic sharing my advice and experiences in the writing world and I hope everyone left learning something new. We met so many great people, cosplayers, and fellow writers and authors. Tampa Bay Comic Convention was one of the best shows of the year so far! Very much looking forward to next year. Check out some fun images below!


Bartow Con Cosplays